Dr. Rhonda A. Bolden, CLC


What did you set out to Accomplish this year and

have NOT finished IT? ... Well HELP is Here!


* CLICK to PAY on the Front to Register for $29 *



This is YOUR Time...This is YOUR Season...It is YOUR Turn


(SEIZE means TO:  Grab IT, Take Hold of IT, Own IT,.Possess IT, Capture IT and to GET IT!)

TESTIMONIES from Past Participants!

-Ava Johnson of VA
"WOW is the first word that comes to mind - a Great Wealth of Information for a small investment!
Thank you so much Sister Rhonda White for sharing your abundance of knowledge and wealth of ideas during the "Get Moving" Teleseminar. I was richly blessed and feel motivated, inspired and ready to apply the lessons learned. You are truly an anointed woman of GOD and I look forward to your A.C.T. Coach Certification Program starting in Sept.! The word Powerful is an accurate description of you and your abilities. Thanks Again!"

-Rebecca Kashef, BSN, MA of GA
"I participated in the "Get Moving" Teleseminar by Rhonda the INNERgizer. The live instructions and resources provided gave me the courage to start my own business/new website. She is a very dynamic and informative speaker and patient trainer.  I have paid hundreds of dollars for business seminars in the past; but this seminar truly surpassed them All!  I encourage you to connect with Rhonda and sign up today to Get Moving!"


-Pamyla Floyd of GA

"I am so glad that I was able to participate on the "GET Moving!" Teleseminar.  I really really needed this information, because as you know you will hear about certain things that will help you, but the information is often incomplete and vague to say the least.  Usually I end up being more frustrated and feeling like I am going in circles; BUT tonite was Life Changing for me.  What you taught us was beyond my highest expectations. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


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